We are a friendly group of women who enjoy social as well as competitive golf.
Competitions are organised to accommodate a wide range of golfing abilities. Our calendar includes monthly stableford and medal Ladies-only competitions as well as fun and team games. There is also the opportunity to enter County and Nationwide events for those who enjoy a challenge.
Club competitions (Mid-week Stablefords and Weekend Medals & Stablefords) are open to Men and Ladies from a choice of tees.
We have a reserved tee booking from 9.30 to 10. 24 on a Tuesday followed by an informal eat, drink and chat for those who can stay after play. Most of our competitions can also be played on a Saturday for those who can’t play on a Tuesday.
New ladies are made very welcome and will easily find playing partners.
Please contact the Pro shop for further information. They will put you in contact with a member of the Ladies’ Organising Group.